Each quest record contains the following fields:
1) Info page id: used for referencing info pages in other files. The prefix ip_ is automatically added before each info page id.
2) Info page name: Name displayed in the info page screen.
The file module_info_pages contains informations about morale, economy, courtship, politics, character backgrounds and military campaigns which the player can open up at the World Map by clicking "Notes" and then "Game Concepts". The character limit for entries is 2^14 = 16384. Forward slashes \ don't count as characters because they are not displayed in game, they serve only for easier editing purposes in the .py file, ^ characters do count though.[1]
The notes window itself is hardcoded but its content may be modified mid-game. You will probably want to reserve a couple of string registers in header_commons.py. Create then a presentation that writes to your string register with create_simple_text_box_overlay (see the kingdom name presentation), and then create placeholders for your notes in module_info_pages.py. Finally, modify script_game_get_info_page_note, using set_result_string with your reserved registers after checking for the individual placeholders which you have added.[2]
Alternatively you can edit them mid-game using the operations str_store_string and then add_info_page_note_from_sreg. Note however that this will override previous contents.[3]